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What Would Google Do?

My boss Larry Janesky had purchased 4 copies of the audio book "What Would Google Do?". I just finished listening to the book and I now have a new prespective on the web content.

What Would Google Do?Free as a business model. Very cool concept. I love this book. This gives an insights on some companies I didn't know details about. Jeff Jarvis, the author of the book is a very credible person to write a book of this magnitude. He takes all the industries and puts Google in charge and shows what is possible if Google guys ran companies in any of the industries.

I have a few sites of my own such as Fortune Cookie Quotes and Stamps Book and I have a few ideas on how to make money by offering content for free. Currently, I have no money generating ideas, however, by offering GOOD free content, I believe I'll have a shot at making money in the future.

If you are into search engine marketing or in tech world in general, this book is for you. I read THE GOOGLE STORY, which was an excellent book as well. This book is just as good. I highly Recommend it.
