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Halo 3 Online

Anyone play Halo 3 multi-player online? If you do, feel free to add my gamer tag webmasterEVAN and we can waste hours on doing something total non-productive, lol.

I love this game... specially the graphics. Put the system on a 37" HDTV and you get the coolest video game experience ever. Here are couple of screen shots from the games I have played.

Click on the image to see the high res version to see the details of the actual game graphics:

Killing time
This is cool... I got the red player just as he was about to land. Gotta love the details of the shot.

Killtacular - Halo Screen Shot
I got a Killtacular in this game. Killtacular is when you kill 5 players in a row within 4 seconds.

Killing from the bottom
Shooting from the Floor...

Halo Gravity Hammer Action
More gravity hammer action.

Check out my online halo profile for more screen shots from the game :) This is cool, Bungi(the makers of the game) has a cool web site that shows rank, stats etc. Makes things more interesting.
