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Nick Sorrentino - Quality 1st Basement Systems

"Evan's work speaks for it's self, just take a moment and look at all the work that he has done. Whether it is a personal website or the homepage of an international company Evan's work is top notch. He is also always willing to offer you personal assistance with any problems that may occur and willing to make the time to fix them."
July 7, 2009 
Recommended in Linkedin

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What I had done to get this recommendation

Quality 1st Basement Systems was one of our first SuperCharged web sites. So, I've worked with Nick & Bob Cherry since the beginning. We had a great working relationship and most of that due to our success with their web site. Their site's SEO was super strong as they ranked very well in a very competitive market. Q1 is one of the great success stories for the entire Basement Systems network. 

It's has been a pleasure working for these guys and it was a lot of fun.
